Regional Network of Key Populations Project Updates

Last year the consortium of APTN and the regional networks of key populations (RNKP) in Asia and the Pacific namely APN+, APNSW, APCOM, ICWAP, NAPUD and Youth Lead was awarded funds through the Robert Carr Exceptional Opportunities Fund (RCF EOF) to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on HIV programs for inadequately served populations (ISP). 

Early this year the consortium of RNKPs was developed into a Regional KP Networks Coordination Mechanism through a consultative process with UNAIDS and key stakeholders to implement joint strategies. The RNKP conducted several meetings to help identify and address some of the gaps in the responses to HIV and the Human Rights of key populations in the region. The project helped to identify key synergy and opportunities for sustainable collaboration across programs and projects through joint partnerships and engagement. The consortium is committed to promoting and strengthening Key Population leadership and involvement in the responses at the country level with the aim to increase access, affordability, availability, and quality of community-led services.

Over the last couple of months, the RNKP consortium members individually have led different components of the joint work including the Asia Regional Stocktake, the development of a joint CLM framework, joint strategies for financial sustainability and a reference guide for community responses during emergencies. APTN organized the recent regional stocktake exercise held at Koh Lipe, Thailand and regional networks shared updates and developed plans to establish the coordinating mechanism of the regional networks. APN+ leads the CLM component in the region through organising and coordinating regional level consultations, APCOM is helping strengthen capacities through trainings and meetings on CLM champions, APNSW is supporting the development of the community guide and documentation and Youth LEAD is working to support the joint networks communication strategy.