Empowering Healthcare Providers: A Recap of the Trans-Specific Workshop in Mongolia

Published June 10, 2024
Location Mongolia
Language English

In an initiative aimed at revolutionizing healthcare provision for transgender individuals in Mongolia, Asia Pacific Transgender Network (APTN), along with the LGBT Centre of Mongolia and Youth for Health recently hosted a Trans-Specific Workshop for Healthcare Providers there from April 9th to 11th, 2024. This transformative event sought to address the pressing need for inclusive and sustainable trans healthcare while tackling the pervasive stigma within healthcare settings.

The workshop was meticulously crafted to achieve several pivotal objectives:

Capacity Building: Equipping healthcare providers with the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver inclusive trans healthcare in Mongolia.

Trainer Development: Establishing a proficient cadre of trainers capable of sensitizing and educating fellow healthcare providers.

Empowerment: Sensitizing and empowering healthcare providers to offer quality trans healthcare services.

Stigma Reduction: Alleviating the stigma surrounding transgender individuals within healthcare settings.

Key Highlights:
The three-day workshop featured a diverse array of sessions and discussions tailored to address the multifaceted challenges and needs of both transgender individuals and healthcare providers.

Day 1: The inaugural day commenced with guided discussions covering crucial topics such as the transgender movement in Mongolia, community perspectives on health needs and challenges, gender-affirming healthcare models, general prevention and cancer screening, and sexual and reproductive health.

Day 2: Participants delved deeper into issues surrounding minority stress and mental health, HIV prevention care and treatment, as well as comprehensive exploration of gender-affirming healthcare. This encompassed discussions on gender-affirming hormones, non-surgical interventions, and surgical approaches.

Day 3: The final day focused on community-based monitoring in Mongolia, providing participants with insights into this essential concept. Moreover, legal and ethical considerations for healthcare providers were thoroughly examined, culminating in the development of a National Action Plan.

Identified Challenges and Solutions:
Throughout the workshop, participants identified barriers to healthcare access for the trans community. These ranged from administrative hurdles to policy limitations and logistical complexities. Key challenges included issues with identification documents not accurately reflecting individuals’ gender identity, limited availability of hormone therapy within Mongolia, and the lack of guidance from healthcare providers on hormone therapy usage.

Additionally, participants recognized the critical importance of mental health support for transgender individuals, particularly in light of past traumas. They emphasized the interdependence between hormone therapy and mental wellbeing, highlighting the need for comprehensive care approaches.

Outcomes and Future Directions:
The workshop yielded significant outcomes, including the training of 26 healthcare providers on the “Trans Towards Transformative Healthcare: Asia Pacific Trans Health and Rights Module.” Importantly, participants collaboratively developed an action plan outlining specific roles and ideas to address the identified challenges and advance the initiative. This collective effort underscores the commitment of healthcare providers to improving trans healthcare in Mongolia and signifies a crucial step towards achieving inclusivity and equality within healthcare settings.

In conclusion, the Trans-Specific Workshop for Healthcare Providers organized by APTN represents a pivotal milestone in the journey towards equitable healthcare access for transgender individuals in Mongolia. By fostering collaboration, education, and empowerment, the workshop has laid the groundwork for transformative change and set a precedent for inclusive healthcare practices worldwide. As we reflect on the insights gained and the actions ahead, let us reaffirm our dedication to creating a future where healthcare is truly accessible to all, regardless of gender identity.